Description: Northern Territory Government Logo

Northern Territory Property Identification Code (PIC) Search - Help

The Owner of a holding on which cattle or buffalo are kept or depastured must have the holding registered with a Property Identification Code (PIC).

The PIC must be entered onto Waybills and/or Health Certificates when moving stock.

How to use the Search Engine

Searching on PIC

PICs are of the format 'THDG9999'. All PICs must start with the letter T, for Territory.

Type in the PIC and click on 'Search'. The PIC, Property Name, Street Address and Region will be displayed.

Searching on Property Name

Type in the Property Name or any part of the Name e.g. Sun for Sunnyside and click on 'Search'.  The results will be sorted by the Property Name.

Searching on Street Address

Type in the name of the Street / Road etc (or any part thereof e.g. Acacia Rd) and click on 'Search'.  The results will be sorted by the Property Name.

Please use Rd or St or Pl or Cct etc - not case-sensitive, however will not recognise Street or Road or Place or Circuit etc.

You can also use this field to search on an area or suburb etc.  e.g. Girraween or Edith or Ilparpa etc


Searches are not case-sensitive.

Searches return matches on any part of the field.

All results will be sorted by the Property Name.

To clear the search fields, click on 'Reset'.


Wildcards can be used for advanced searching.  The allowable wildcards are shown below:

%: matches zero or more characters

_ : matches any single character

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